úterý 26. února 2013

The Flag of Argentina is 201 year old

Do you know that Argentina celebrates 27th February as a Creation Day of the National Flag? This flag was created by Manuel Belgrano, in line with the recent creation of the Cockade of Argentina, and was first raised at the city of Rosario on February 27, 1812, during the Argentine War of Independence. 
This flag has two versions: The full flag featuring the sun is called the Official Ceremonial Flag and the flag without the sun is considered the Ornamental Flag. While both versions are equally considered the national flag, the ornamental version must always be hoisted below the Official Ceremony Flag.

As of 2011, Argentina is the most visited country in South America and the fourth most visited in the Americas. That's when you have a relaxation time in this beautiful country; you can call to your family members and friends at the local prices only. And on the other hand you can call to your Argentina friends at the same prices.

For more information and free dialling number see www.praha-connect.cz (in Czech).  

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